Freeware - Utilities


(Changed: 06.12.2018)

Change Object Description Attributes V1.1
The CHGOBJDA command can change object attributes that can not be changed with the CHGOBJD command. The command uses the QLICOBJD API to change the attributes.


(Changed: 25.11.2019)

Compare Message File V1.3.1
The CMPMSGF command compares and merges two message files.


(Changed: 07.01.2019)

Create MI Program V1.1
The CRTMIPGM command uses the QPRCRTPG API to create MI programs.


(Changed: 24.01.2024)

Create Message Data Structure V1.18
The CRTMSGDS can be used to create data structures for RPG, RPG-IV and C for given message descriptions. Also it can be used to create CL source code for message descriptions.


(Changed: 02.04.2019)

Delete Old Journal Receiver V1.4.2
The DLTOLDJRNR deletes old journal receivers. Just enter the name of the journal and hit enter.


(Changed: 31.01.2019)

Display Library Size V1.0.1
The DSPLIBSIZ command retrieves and siplays the size of a library object and including the size of all objects that are in the library.


(Changed: 09.02.2019)

Display Source Code V1.3.1
The DSPSRC command retrieves the source file information from the object service attributes and shows the source code of the object. In case of ILE programs or service programs it prompts a list of modules where you can select the module that you want to see.


(Changed: 07.02.2019)

Duplicate Message Description V1.2
The DUPMSGD command duplicates a given message description within the same or another message file.


(Changed: 22.09.2023)

Export Journal Entries V5.5
The EXPJRNE command exports journal entries of fiels, data areas and data queues to an output file. The output file has the same layout as the journalized file plus the journaling information. EXPJRNE makes it really easy to analyze journal entries by SQL.

Prerequisites: BASICS1 and RTVFLDA (V1.5)


(Changed: 09.02.2017)

Find & Replace Strings v1.2.1
The FNDRPLSTR command is used to search for and replace strings in files and members.

Prerequisites: BASICS1 (V1.10) und RTVMBRL (V1.4)


(Changed: 26.05.2018)

Run CL Statement V1.2.2
The RUNCLSTM command is the “brother” of the RUNSQLSTM command. It reads CL source members and executes the commands without compiling it. Also it is possible to execute embedded SQL statements. CL commands and SQL statements can be monitored with MONMSG.

RUNCLSTM uses the SQL Call Level Interface to execute SQL statements. So there is no need for having the SQL tool kit installed.


(Changed: 23.05.2013)

Select Job V1.1 (V5R2M0+)
Select job is a program to select a job from a subfile if the given job information are ambiguous. The jobs that are eligible to be shown in the subfile can be selected using a callback procedure.



(Changed: 09.02.2017)

Start Debug V1.8.1 (V5R1M0+)
STRDBG is a powerful replacement for the original IBM STRDBG command. You do not need to distinguish between programs and service programs any longer. STRDBG automatically retrieves the object type and starts the debugger accordingly. Furthermore it is possible to specify the (batch) job you want to debug. STRDBG will prompt all matching jobs if the job name you specified is ambiguous. It then starts a service job for the selected job. Finally you can specify whether to start the debugger using 80 or 132 character mode. A matching ENDDBG command will end the debugger as well as the service job that might have been started.

Hint: For your convinience STRDBG and ENDDBG should be placed into a library before QSYS or renamed and copied to QGPL.



(Changed: 26.03.2022)

Start Pre-Processor V2.0
Perhaps STRPREPRC is not the best name for the utility. However I could not get a better one. The STRPREPRC command allows to store the creation command of an object in the source member of the object. Then the creation command can be run from the source member. There is no doubt about the creation parameters of e.g. display files or printer files any longer. Also it is possible to specify pre- and post commands that are run before/after the creation command. That is quite useful in case that there are special overrides necessary to create the object.

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